Cocktails by Endo: Fuck His Dad

The pain of heartbreak was one that required a powerful remedy. This request was of spiced cherries, though Endo found himself uncertain what spices in particular. This story begged for something warm to embrace the world-wounded heart so it wouldn’t grow cold. The story that had been confessed by this newfound friend at his very bar had been one that he could empathize with. 

Ten years of marriage had seen its potential end in a way that seemed so stark and so sudden. Endo himself had always rebelled against the nature of the culture around him to keep things quiet and orderly. To hold one's tongue about things until it became a divorceable offense was undoubtedly unacceptable to him. 

Despite the impending springtime, a heavy, warm cherry port wine came to mind, though that was appropriate among camaraderie alone. It would be reserved for a more healing time, hopefully by winter. This one would instead command a simple sentiment that amused him among all the tragedy. “I want to fuck his dad.” 

Strong medicine, fiery feeling, and regrettable decisions. That was the inspirational basis for this drink. 
Equal parts bourbon whiskey and milk stout. Texture. OK, maybe a splash more bourbon. Equal parts with an “oopsie” heavy hand in the direction of the liquor.
A generous guzzle of cherry liqueur oh god that’s too much did this really need more alcohol —

A classic maraschino garnish with a grating of nutmeg on top to hide all of your mistakes. Charred orange peel. It exists somewhere in the vicinity of this drink. Charred orange peel isn’t a thing. They call it “flaming an orange.“ Do it for a little of the ole’ razzle-dazzle.

Serve in a squared lowball glass with a tight, weak smile and a nod of recognition as if to show one’s sympathy.

 The special tonight: “fuck his dad “, a cocktail which burned with the seething rage of betrayal, consoled by the sweet touch of a moot cherry friend on top trying its best to distract. It was a cocktail that urged you to, yes, fuck your ex's dad. What sweet revenge. 


  1. This... THIS is your voice. Every line of this is intoxicating. Every word sumptuous. More of this, please. -TheGeekPoet


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