Diruktober Day 21: Deity
Diruktober is a DIR EN GREY themed inktober challenge by re_be_ka_f. I chose to use them as writing prompts to join in on the fun.
They had a sort of holiday out in the countryside for it. They’d ram a huge log down a well to keep whatever beast it was they’d made up down there.
At least that’s what visitors watching the festival always had thought. There were some old folks who swore that the rumors were true in this small logging village. They told stories of how there was a beast made of fire that swallowed the trees and beasts within them alike.
Visitors thought it was simple traditions of luck, too. Though there was a day they had forgotten the festival.
The old folks, most of them who claimed to have seen this phenomenon as children, tried to warn the workers to take the day for their tradition.
“Too hot.”
“Too tiring.”
“It's not this month, it’s next month.”
They dismissed those who wailed to the heavens with increased desperation and frequency, and the workers, most of them, thought that some sort of illness had overtaken their elders.
Then the day came, a deafening roar thundered from beneath the earth. It was louder coming from the toilets and wells. It was everywhere, completely surrounding the village and ready to swallow it whole.
They had no choice but to watch as flame jaws leapt from the bowels of the toilets and wells and any weak points in the earth where trees had been recently felled. The beasts roared and rampaged, flaming wolves eating alive any scrap they could find.
They chewed through the houses and the wells from which they came, leaving nothing but trails of black curse where even the ground itself could host nothing. It would never hold life again.
They snapped through the bones of the elderly trying to warn of them just the same as the strong young loggers. The fiery wolves gobbled up children and parents and dogs and insects. They chomped and chewed the wood that acted as the livelihood for the entire village.
Ever since, the village has been gone, and there’s nothing there but a black spot where nothing will ever live again.
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